Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Maze of Hyperloop

Maze of the Hyperloop - Maze Solution
Human beings have always been fascinated by the antics of the cat. Whether it is the people of the deep junglewatching for cheetahs, or people in the West settling down to play online casino games with their house cats, people seem to be drawn by the impact that cats can have. Even when playing mobile games, it pays to have your cat around. One could make the argument that this cat thing might make the game less than mobile, but of you think about it, the opposite is true. Cats are mobile. If you want a good luck talisman around while playing mobile casino games, it should be something that can move on its own legs. You can play wherever you like with your cat (as long as cats are allowed in that place. And if they are not, pick a different place to play.) No wonder so many people find that they just need their cats around to get the most out of a game of video poker or blackjack. And the cat is probably thinking that he needs to have people around playing these games to have the most enjoyment in an afternoon as he can get.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mazes you can't refuse by Yanito Freminoshi

Yanito Freminoshi maze of horses head - the maze you can not refuse
Maze You Can't Refuse - Maze Solution HERE
The best online casino players look for every advantage they can get to help them walk away from a betting session on top. And one method that's gaining popularity with betters these days, even in the mobile casino, is to play while holding a cat in your lap and hearing it purring as you stroke it playfully. Casino players are learning something pet owners have known for years – that bonding with a pet helps your mood and reduces your level of stress. It also helps you stay focused on the casino games and not get carried away by the ebb and flow of a regular cycle of play. Too often, people start off with a winning streak and expect it to continue long after it has disappeared. But the thirst for winning remains, so people make bigger bets at higher risk levels to compensate for the losses that accrued when the winning streak ended. They are essentially letting their emotions determine how they are going to bet rather than relying on their intuition and their objective analysis to make decisions. But having a cat in your lap makes an emotional hijacking much less likely to happen, even when the games demand an emotional response. So, keep that in mind and enjoy the mazes on this page for the purpose of sharpening your mind and expanding you horizons.
drinks by moonlight maze art by Yanito Freminoshi
Moonlight Drinks Maze - Click HERE for the maze's solution